Wednesday, January 26, 2005

High Housing

An interesting poll conducted by the University of Massachusetts' Donahue Institute was released in this morning’s newspapers. A survey of 509 people found that roughly 46% of Bay State residents reported they or an immediate family member were considering moving out of Massachusetts. The report was commissioned by a non-profit housing advocacy group called the “Citizens Housing and Planning Association”. The report sites high housing costs as a main consideration for re-location. In 1999 a similar UMass poll found that 11% were considering re-location, 19% in 2001 and 32% in 2002. Aaron Gornstein, Executive Director of Citizens Housing and Planning Association believes a large segment of the state’s work force is finding itself priced out of the housing market. Of course, the many benefits offered in Massachusetts are part of what is fueling the strong housing market. But one can not deny that these statistics show an overwhelming need for affordable housing in the state.

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