Who is this man? Why, he is Sir Johnathan Ive...that's who!
But WHO IS Sir Johnathan Ive?
Hints...Ive was born in Chingford England in 1946 the son of a silversmith.
He attended high school in Stafford, England the hometown of William Shakespeare.
Guess...He's a great British Actor.
Hints...Johnathan Ive knew he was interested in drawing and making stuff since he was 14 years old.
And as a youth his interests were wide ranging from furniture to cars.
Guess...He is a famous British Painter
Hints...Johnathan Ive loved designing things and after college he started his own design company called Tangerine.
Ive designed the Newton MesssagePad
Guess...Ok. I'm getting it now, this guy must have designed something pretty important. I got it, he designed Scooba, the robotic vacuum cleaner.
Hints...Ive just purchased a home in San Francisco for $17 million with 7,200 sq ft of living space.
And net worth is estimated at $130 million.
Guess...Let me do some deduction here:
Sir Johnathan Ives, obviously designs things that make him megabucks.
And if he designed the Newton, that means he works in the technology field.
And if he bought a house in San Francisco he works in California.
Apple and Microsoft are the biggest technology companies in California.
But Apple is best known for its product design.
So I'm thinking Johnathan Ive designs for Apple.
And I'm thinking if he designs for Apple and he's worth millions then Ive designed the iPod.
Keep going...
He designed the iPod and the iPad?
Keep gooooing...
He designed the iPod, iPad and iPhone.
Still keep going...
Are you kidding me? Are you saying Johnathan Ive designed the iPod, iPad, iPhone AND iTouch, MacAir and MacPro?!
Good job Sherlock.
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